Vampire Facial®

If you are looking for a facial that can rejuvenate your skin and keep you glowing, Charles J. Bier, M.D., PLLC offers a Vampire Facial® treatment. If you have never heard of a vampire facial before, you may be surprised by the name. Many celebrities have touted the benefits of these types of facials and we have seen the way it can transform our clients. We take great pride in offering the latest, greatest skincare treatments so our patients can have different options and get the results they are looking for. Many of our clients have noted how our Silver Spring, Maryland vampire facial treatment gives them youthful, glowing, and clearer skin. If you would like to learn more about this treatment, please give our office a call to set up your appointment.

What is involved in a Vampire Facial®?

Although the name of the treatment may seem slightly shocking, this facial does not involve bats or biting! Instead, a vampire facial will typically involve the process of microdermabrasion with PRP therapy. If you have never heard of PRP therapy (also known as platelet-rich plasma therapy), this type of treatment is usually given to people to heal an injury because the platelet-rich plasma has growth hormones. The Silver Spring vampire facial, thus, gets its name because it utilizes the plasma from your own blood during the treatment. 

How can a Vampire Facial® help me?

With a little background in mind about PRP, you can see how it can help your skin. Because it has regenerative aspects, it can help with the production of collagen in your face leaving you with smoother, tighter, beautiful skin. When you come in for your facial, we will take a small amount of your blood to separate the plasma and the platelets. When we apply the PRP during the facial process, you will likely begin seeing improvements in wrinkles, fine lines, and brightness. Because the process involves microneedling so the PRP can be re-injected, we will discuss numbing options during your treatment. 

For more information, please check out this informational pamphlet and feel free to reach out to Dr. Bier’s team with any questions. Schedule a free consultation below now!

Schedule a Vampire Facial® Consultation with Dr. Bier

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