Vampire Breast Lift® and Vampire Nipple Lift®

Click on the link to watch a video about the Vampire Breast Lift® and the Vampire Nipple Lift®:

What is the Vampire Breast Lift®?

The Vampire Breast Lift® is breast augmentation using platelet-derived growth factors and isolation of platelet-rich fibrin matrix for the stimulation of unipotent stem cells.

The Vampire Breast Lift® uses PRP therapy to give women a natural breast lift with added rejuvenation.

Women suffering from complications caused by breast implants can also benefit from PRP therapy. Treatment can result in improved appearance from implant rippling,

The PRP therapy used in the Vampire Breast Lift® and the Vampire Nipple Lift® help improve inverted nipples and loss of sensitivity in the areola.


  • A more youthful and healthier looking breast
  • Smoother skin on the entire breast
  • Firmer, more shapely breast
  • Increased lift and rounder cleavage
  • Restoration of nipple sensitivity
  • Improved definition of nipples
  • Improved appearance of breast stretch marks

For more information, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Bier’s team with any questions. Schedule a free consultation below now!

Schedule a Vampire Breast or Nipple Lift® Consultation with Dr. Bier

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